Preparing for Installation

The installation process follows the steps outlined below.

1. Upgrading from NewsRoom 40 to 45

For systems being upgraded from NewsRoom 40 to NewsRoom 45 please view the following document before proceeding .

  Upgrading NewsRoom 40 to 45

2. Firebird Installation

NewsRoom now uses an Open-Source database engine built on Borland's Interbase technology.  See the article  Installing Firebird SQL server   for installation instructions.  This service must be installed prior to Installing the NewsRoom 45 Server

3. Hardware dongle and license

The hardware dongle provided by your vendor is neccessary for the NewsRoom system to operate.  Make sure that the dongle is properly installed into an available usb port on the server computer.

Your vendor will also have provided you with a license file which is also required to run the NewsRoom system

4. Installing the NewsRoom server MSI

The Process of Installing the NewsRoom Server msi is detailed in the article  Installing the NewsRoom Server MSI .  Before beginning this step make sure you have completed step 3

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