How to install the KLZ Video Player on a workstation 
Note:  Installation of the KLZ Videologger Player requires administrative rights on the workstation . Contact KLZ support ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for
technical support or call 800 334 9640 .

How to add user names to the VideoLogger Database:
In order for the KLZ VideoPLayer to run from a Windows workstation, the user name logged into a Windows workstation will need authentication to the Videologger folders /shares .

User names can be added in the Videologgers Windows / Computer Management / User Manager / Groups / Nrusers.
A restart of the KLZConfigStore Service is required. Found in the Videologgers Computer Management / Services / KLZ Configstore.
Restart the KLZConfigStore Service in Services. This will not interrupt the recording in progress. 
Each workstation may need to browse and access the Videologgers Shares. When prompted pass a username and password to gain access.
Test by running the shortcut to the KLZ Videologger Player on the workstation.

KLZ Videologger Player Configuration & Installation ( workstation ) 
Copy the KLZVideoPlayer.exe to the local computer from the VideoLogger's file system :
A copy can be found on the VideoLogger Servers data drive . For example if D drive is the larger partition look  in D:\KLZVideoLogit\LoggerPlayer .
Create a folder to store it in.. Make a shortcut to the player in all users desktop. Edit the shortcuts target path.
Enter the computers name and port to access the loggers files as in example A. below.
The shortcut path must be edited, add the logger "computer" name or IP , followed by 5504 to the target path
Example A :  Substitute 'MyKLZVideoLogger' with the computer name of the KLZ Videlogger .
Shortcut path = : \\MyKLZVideoLogger\KLzVideologit\LoggerPlayer\KLZVideoPlayer.exe MyKLZVideoLogger 5504

Cutting Video from the KLZ Videologger Player : Registering the Asfchop.ocx
The procedure below will allow any workstation to "cut" a section from the one hour recordings when using the KLZ Video Player. The file can be saved to a local drive , network or removable media.
Log into workstation as an Administrator.
Use Regsvr32 at a command prompt to register the asfchop.ocx file on a workstation. ( Regsvr32 is a Windows registration utility . )
1.  Copy the asfchop.ocx to c:\windows\system32 . A copy can be found on the VideoLogger Servers data drive . For example if D drive is the larger partition look  in        D:\KLZVideoLogit\LoggerPlayer\asfchop.ocx       
2. As Administrator or equal, At command prompt:  in the same folder, type Regsvr32 asfchop.ocx to register the asfchop.ocx.
3. Confirmation dialogue will confirm install of the ocx, good for all users who log in to the workstation. Close Command Prompt.
Your now ready to use the KLZ Videlogger Player to view the recordings , cut segments from the recordings or view the live feed !

KLZ Monitor
The Videlogger Monitor program can be used by administrators / engineers to monitor video & audio input. It does not play video but monitors the stream of data.
Note: Use the Monitor to check audio and video input from any workstation on the LAN or WAN. Be sure to create a folder for the monitor.exe. Make a shortcut on the desktop to it.

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