Installing KLZ VideoLogger

KLZ VideoLogger runs on Windows 2000 Professional . (Install DirectX 8.1 before installing the correct video drivers for your video card). 


1. Install from Microsoft :Windows Media Player 7,
Windows Media Encoder and Windows Media Resources 7 .

2. Create a directory off of "Program Files" called
"KLZVideoLogit". Then create a sub-directory called data
in the new directory.
For example c:\program files\KLZvideologit\data

3. Copy the following files to the "KLZvideologit" directory.

a) CreateVideoList.exe

3.Copy the following files to the "data" directory. ( c:\program files\KLZvideologit\data).


4.) Create a directory for the raw video data off the root
of the driver volume that will hold the video files. Make
sure you have enough room as the Video files will be
quite large depending on how many days of logs the
system will hold. Example D:\ VideoLogData -

5.a) Using NotePad edit the videologit.ini file. Change
the file paths that are not correct for your setup.
5.b). Using NotePad edit the VideoLogitPlayer.cfg .
Change the file paths that are not correct for your setup.

6. Run the program CreateVideoList.exe and follow the instructions. It is just like creating an audio list in Newsroom. Set the data path to the C:\videoLogdata and adjust the space properties to suit the drive space you have.

7. Run Windows Media Encoder:
a) Select "Broadcast , Capture or convert a file using the New Session Wizard". Press OK.
b) Select " Capture audio or video from attached devices or Computer screen" Press OK
c) Select your audio/video device and configure as needed. Then press the Next or OK button.
d) Enter an valid name for the test files such as c:\temp\temp.wmv . Then press the next button.
e)Select " File will play from a Web Server or play directly on computer ". then press the next button.
f) Press the create and manage Profiles " button.
g) In the Manage profiles dialog press the " New " button .
h) Name the profile " KLZ Video Log " . Select the "video" and "compress" options. Press the next button.
i) press the "New" button in the Audience Selection dialog.
j) Set the "Audience Name " field to "Logger " and the maximum bit rate to "512K". Press the OK button.
k) Select the check box new to "logger" option in the Audience Selection dialog. Press the next button. ( it may be checked already)
l) In "Common Steam settings" select "Windows Media 7 Audio 8 " at "32kbs 22khz" for the audio. "Windows Media 7" at 320 x 240 for the video. Press the Next button.
m) In the "Individual Stream" settings select a "Frame Rate of 30 fps" and a "Key frame interval of 4". The press the "Finish" button. Press the "Close" button in the Manage profiles dialog.
n) In the "Profile Selection" , select the "KLZ Video Log"profile and press the finish button.
0) Select the Save As menu option under the session menu. Save the session to " C:\Program files\KLZvideologit\data\ ". Close the media encoder.

Now you should be able to start the VideoLogger.

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