This document describes how to install the NewsRoom 50 Client on a Users Workstation.
This Document Applys to:
NewsRoom 50
NewsRoom Remote 50
You will learn
How to Locate the installation files
How to Perform the install.
Post install verification.
How to Locate the installation files
Once you have the NewsRoom 50 Client Installation file downloaded on your server you can install it on a users workstation. The recommended location for the NewsRoom Client installation is in the install folder on the NewsRoom Server.
For Example, If your the NewsRoom system is installed on "E:NewsRoom50" then the client installation files should be located in "E:NewsRoom50bin_dynupdate" (Seen Below)
This folder corresponds to a Windows network share available to workstations and is available as a UNC path such as "\{ServerName}NewsRoom5bin_dynupdate"
This is the path you will use on the workstation to locate the install file on the network. The availability of this path is a requirement for the NewsRoom clients to function correctly. Make sure it is valid on the workstations. You can install the NewsRoom client on all of your workstations using this same path.
* Local Path to the Files on your Server

* UNC Path to the files on your server (available to workstations)

Install Files
There are both 32 and 64 bit installations available.
NewsRoom 50 X64.exe (64 bit install)
NewsRoom 50 X86.exe (32 bit install)
Performing the Install
You install the file by double clicking on it in Window File Explorer on the workstation using the UNC Path.
Windows will ask for your Permission to install the NewsRoom Program, Click "Yes" to Confirm
At this point the install begins and you are prompted for your Site Name

Next you will confirm that you wish to have a Desktop Icon Installed.

You are now ready to Continue the Install

Next you will Select and installation location. It is recommended that you select the default locations which will usually be something like:
Usually this is "C:Program FilesKLZ Innovations LtdNewsRoom 50 X64"
The install program will copy the files into their correct location.

When the Installation is Complete you will see this last dialog.

If you Select the "Launch" option, the install program will automatically run the NewsRoom Program.
Enter your credentials.

Post Install Verification
Now that you have installed the program you should run it and test the basic tools system.
Open the MySites Tool and verify that you see the system.
Open the Cast Editor and verify that you see the network casts
Verify you can play and record audio.