NewsRoom 5 - Adding A User
Description: This document describes the procedure of adding, and validating a new user in the NfsAdmin program


To add a new user into your NewsRoom 5 system follow the steps below
1. open the NfsAdmin program and click on the 'Accounts' button (below) on the main toolbar.
2. Selecting 'Add User' will launch the dialog box with the information fields for you to fill in.
3. Fill in the account name and password fields. The description field is optional, and the user will automatically inherit a default profile by the system. When the appropriate fields are completed click OK.
Note: if "Show-Password" is checked there is no need to confirm the password.
4. Next you'll need to do a 'Service Load' to complete the operation. The Service Load button is the first button (below) on the main toolbar. Clicking it will launch the server update request dialog. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click the 'Update' button.
5. You should now see a message stating 'Server Updated Settings' meaning that the operation was successful.
6. You are now ready to test the new user's account by having them log into the NewsRoom 5 system.
Note: The user will need to wait up to 5 minutes before having access to the shared casts.
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