NfsAdmin Startup Validation

The NfsAdmin program will perform a number of system validation procedures each time it is run in order to verify the system is operating correctly.

We will assume in this example that our site name is "WXYZ" but will refer to it as "SiteName" in the is document.

Our NewsRoom 45 server installation is located in the directory C:\NewsRoom45\ .  In this Document we will be referred to as "SitePath".

Step 1 - Validate hardware dongle

NfsAdmin will attempt to find a valid hardware dongle for the system.  If found the program will continue, otherwise an error message will appear to the user, and the program will close.

Step 2 - Validate License file

A valid license will be located for the system.  The license file will be specifically matched to the dongle hardware found in step 1.  If the file exists, and it matches, the system will continue to the next step.  If the license file is not found, the user will be prompted for the location of a valid license file.  If a valid license file is selected, the program will proceed. Otherwise an error message will appear, and the program will close.

Step 3 - Validate NetFileShare Configuration file

If the system has a valid configuration file which matches the license, and dongle credentials (previous validation), the program will continue with the startup procedure.  If a valid configuration file does not exist, the user will be notified, and prompted to allow the system to create the new file.

Step 4 - Validate the site name and system path

The program will now validate the site name, and installation path.  If these values have already been defined in the system configuration file, the program will continue. Otherwise the user will be prompted for these values.

Step 5 - Regional settings will be validated.

If values for regional settings have been predefined the program will continue. Otherwise the user will be prompted for these values.

Step 6 - Validate the NewsRoom 45 configuration pages

The NewsRoom configuration pages are located in our example at "SitePath\sys\etc\NrConfig\"  The program will now verify that the correct pages exist.  If the pages do not exist the the program will make the necessary pages before it continues.

Step 7 - System transfer block size verification

The default transfer block size will be verified, and the default value of 32K will be set if the value is not already set.

Step 8 - Multicast setting verification

NewsRoom sends dynamic update messages to a multicast address, and port.  If not defined the system defaults will be assigned.  Default address =
Default Port = 5510

Step 9 - Default NewsRoom 45 user group verification

The default user groups are:

  • NrAdmins - NewsRoom System Administrators
  • NrUsers -  NewsRoom Users
  • NrCaptures - NewsRoom Capture Accounts
  • NewsDirectors - News Director Accounts

If these groups do not exists they will be created at start up.

Step 10 - Validate the administrator account

The administrative account "nradmin" will be created, and added to the "NrAdmins" user group.

Step 11 - System database installation validation

The system databases are located in the folder C:\NewsRoom45\DbData\FireBird\.

The NewsRoom database filename will be copied from the distribution file:


to C:\NewsRoom45\DbData\FireBird\NewsRoom.fdb

Step 12 - Validating the system database connection

The program will now validate credentials for the database server.  If the credentials have not been previously specified, the program will configure the system with the default values.  After credentials have been verified, the program will attempt to connect to the database server.  If the connection succeeds the program will continue otherwise an error message will appear and the program will shut down.  It is imperative that the Firebird server has been installed, and is running on the system before we can make this test connection.

Step 13 - System search database installation validation.

The NewsRoom system index database will be copied from the distribution file:


to C:\NewsRoom45\DbData\FireBird\NRSEARCH.FDB

Step 14 - System Config alias validation.

The system configuration alias "NrConfig" is checked for existence and, configured if necessary. This alias is used when accessing the NewsRoom configuration pages by NewsRoom clients connected to the NetFileShare.exe service.

Step 15 - Audio list alias validation

The default audio play list alias name is: /SiteNamePlaylists/ - used for audio, and on-air playback.

The play list alias will be automatically populated with the audio list database files ( *.Nal files ) located in the folder: SitePath\Audio\PlayNal\

The default audio feedlist alias name is: /SiteNameFeedlists/ - used for capture applications, and read-only to users.

The feed list alias will be automatically populated with the audio list database files ( *.Nal files ) located in the folder: \SitePath\Audio\FeedNal\

Step 16 - Wire queue alias validation

The default wire queue alias name is: /SiteNameWires/ - contains all wire queues on the local system

The program will automatically create this alias, and add any wire queue files found in the default wire location: \SitePath\wires\

Step 17 - Item store alias validation

The default item store alias name is: /SiteNameItemStores/

The program will automatically search for item store databases in the default location: \SitePath\ItemStores\

Step 18 - Contact database validation

The default contact database alias name is: /SiteNameContacts/

This alias will be automatically added to the system if it does not exists.

Step 19 - System database alias verification

The Firebird database introduced in NewsRoom 45 uses a number of system tables, and will need to be accessed by the system.  The name of this database must be configured as: /SiteNameDbSystem/

In our example site, this alias would be named

This database is normally hidden from regular users, and is only rarely accessed by the administrator.  However, this alias does need to be available to users and the system.

Step 20 - Cast server path validation

The cast server stores its database files in the folder: \SitePath\Casts\

Its Library files are stored in the folder: \SitePath\Library\

These folders will be created if they do not already exist.

Step 21 - Dynamic update path validation.

The default dynamic update alias  name is: /_dynupdate/

This alias will be made if it does not exist.

The default file folder for dynamic updates is: \SitePath\Bin\_DynUpdate\

This path will be made if it does not exist.

Step 22 - Library alias validation

The default library alias name is: /SiteNameLibrary/

This alias will be verified and added if necessary.

Step 23 - Network share validation.

NewsRoom clients need read-only access to the system files via a windows network file share.  This share name is based on the installation folder name.  For example, if the system is installed in a folder D:\NewsRoom45\ , a network share will be created so that clients can access the system read-only by the UNC path \\MachineName\NewsRoom45\ .  The program will verify that this share exists, and add it if necessary .

Step 24 - Saving the setting changes.

After all of the previous settings have been validated, the system will write the NetFileShare.config file to disk.

Step 25 - Checking for updates.

The system will now check for an update. The NewsRoom 45 server MSI is located in the _dynamic update folder specified in step 21.  If a new installation package is found in the \SitePath\Bin\_Pending\ folder the user will be prompted to install an update to the server.  See the document NfsAdmin - Server Updates .  If any client programs are found in the \SitePath\Bin\_Pending\  folder the user will be prompted to deploy these to the dynamic update folder, at which point these updates will be available to update the NewsRoom client, and capture application.

The NfsAdmin.exe program has now performed its startup validation, and the user is ready to use the program.

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