The Chromium Html Editor uses the chromium web browser, in designer mode, as its Html editor. This editor is used for editing items and cast stories. It replaces the legacy HTML editor based on the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.
Html Editor Tool

Tool Bars
The Program has two toolbars at the top of the Screen

Top Tool Bar
The Top Tool Bar provides buttons related to loading and saving your document

Top Toolbar Buttons
- Open item in editor.
- Save item and close the editor.
- Save item and continue editing
- Cancel and Close
Bottom Tool Bar
The Bottom Tool Bar provides buttons which related to the actual editing of the document itself.

Bottom Toolbar Buttons
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strike Through
- Left Justify
- Center Justify
- Right Justify
- Justify Page
- Insert Link
- Insert Image
- Un-ordered list
- Ordered List
- Test Color
- Back Ground Color
- Clear Formatting
- Indent Text
- Outdent Text