Wire Viewer


The Wire Viewer tool displays all the ANPA text feeds that you subscribe to, as well as a local wire that users can post to.

One of the features of the wire tool is that its totally customizable and gives you the choice of 4 different ways to view the stories in your wire. There's the horizontal or vertical split screen, and the text only, or list only view. Font size is also adjustable in the text window. Stories can be listed by oldest to newest, or viceversa.

Stories from the wire can be dragged into a new item, directly into your personal / public itemstore , or cast editor for editing at your convenience. You can also set custom filters for a particular wire feed if you choose to. Users can make their own filters for information they search for daily. The filter follows that user in the personal settings of their own NewRoom account.


The Wire viewer form contains three main elements:

  • A Toolbar
  • List section
  • Story Preview section


Tool Bar


Filter Menu

The filter menu can be seen from the top main menu:

  • Clear Filter - Clear the current filter results
  • Quick Filter - Create a temporary filter
  • Select Filter - Select from existing filters
  • New - New filter
  • Edit - Edit filter


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