Wire Viewer - Formatting BN-CP

This procedure will re-set your 'Wire Viewer' to format correctly for BN-CP news.

NOTE You must be logged on as a specific user in NewsRoom 5

1. Open the Itemstore. If it opens on public, select the private store button on the toolbar as seen below.

2. Highlight the Local Setting folder (contains your default settings).

3.a) Locate the Wire Viewer setting and highlight it.(do not open it).

3.b) Delete the Wire Viewer setting by Right clicking on it, then Selecting 'Delete Item'.


When prompted to confirm the deletion click the 'Yes' button.


4. Open the Wires tool in NewsRoom.

5. Select the 'Current Settings' button on the right hand side as seen below.


6. This brings up the Wire Viewer Options. Make sure that View Text without Formatting is Unchecked.

Last step is to save your settings:

7.a) Select 'Options' from the main menu, then 'Save Settings', as seen below.



7.b) Enter 'Default' in the 'Settings Name' field, and click OK. This will give each individual user the correct wire viewer  settings.







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