The On-Air tool is used to present your news live by using the built-in scrolling teleprompter.
You can test or preview any audio simply by using hotkeys, or with your mouse.
You can start the prompter scrolling by pushing the 'insert key', and fire an audio clip by hitting the space-bar. Users have the ability to 'can' a cast with the 'Fast Cast' option, where you record your voice at various places within the cast and insert actualities.
Scroll speed is easily adjustable for every user, and the built-in 'stopwatch' keeps track of your on-air time.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Menus/General Control
Insert - Toggle menus on or off
Scroll Mode Control
Enter/Space - Toggle Scrolling start/stop
Show/Cast Control
Shift + Home
- Top of currently loaded cast
Shift + End
- Bottom of currently loaded cast
Story Control
- Previous story
- Next story
Page Up
- Previous screen of text
Page Down
- Next screen of text
Text Line Control
While not scroll mode :
Up Arrow
- Prior line of text
Down Arrow
- Next line of text
While in scroll mode :
Up Arrow
- Increase scrolling speed
Down Arrow
- Decrease scrolling speed
Advanced features (not likely used in News) :
Up Arrow
- Prior scan line of current line of text
Down Arrow
- Next scan line of current line of text
Closed Captioning Control
- Enable closed captions
- Disable closed captions
- Run closed captions